August 9, 2010

Six-Day Countdown

Unbelievably, there is less than a week until we board the plane.  I feel like a kid at Christmas time, counting down the days!  Luckily, we still have a few things left to do, which helps the time go by faster.

We've now obtained our International Driving Permit at the  AMA office in Willowpark Village.  We were pleasantly surprised as it was cheap ($15) and quick to do (10 minutes for both of us).  All that's needed is a valid driver's license and two passport-quality photos.  We had a couple to spare since we're packing half a dozen of them for visa applications.  For those who don't happen to have passport photos kicking around the house, AMA will do them on the spot.  It's best to get the International Permit just before leaving, since it's only valid for one year from the date of issue.  Even though we're not planning to drive, it will be nice to have options, especially once we get to Europe.......

Other than that, what have we been up to?
*ordering foreign currency
*working on an excel document for the travel budget
*notifying our bank & credit card company of our travels
*getting the last minute travel immunizations
*scanning copies of all important documents
*emailing the documents to ourselves, in case of emergency
*typing up an itinerary / contact info sheet to keep in the checked baggage (if the ID tag gets stuck or ripped off in the conveyor belt mechanisms, the airline still has a way of knowing where to send the bag).
*arranging to have our cell phones suspended while we're abroad, so that we don't lose our numbers.
*packing & repacking & testing our backpacks

With six days left, I'm saying goodbye to many hobbies that I can't take with me on the road (why didn't my parents put me in flute lessons instead of piano lessons?).  One thing that will be kind of strange is not having my own kitchen.  It's no surprise to anyone who has known me for any length of time that I love to cook & bake.  Ever since my first Home Economics class I've been collecting recipes.  In my teens, I once received payment for babysitting in the form of a candy thermometer!  There were many debacles, including a small fire (I was fourteen, and using the broiler.  I managed to douse the flames with baking soda and there was no damage or injuries, but also no toasted coconut for the top of the cream pie).  Looking back, I especially have to thank my dad for his unfailing support of my culinary efforts - he ate more than his fair share of burnt cookies!

So even though I'm folding up my apron here, I'm hoping to expand my cooking repertoire and learn how to make some exotic dishes.

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