About Us

We are a thirty-something couple wanting to sign off of the traditional 9 to 5 and wander the globe for a while. Experience a different reality, meet new people, see new places, search for meaning. We've begun to question the ubiquitous rat-race and want to reject the golden handcuffs before they're securely locked onto our wrists. We dream of seeing the world and recently wondered why we've been putting this off to the distant future. We'd rather be the old folks in the retirement home reminiscing about our youthful travel adventures than the seniors regretting that we spent our lives playing it safe. How painful would it be to look back and realize that we spent our time & money amassing useless trinkets instead of boldly living life. Being both born & raised in Calgary, it's time to move on. There is a vast, varied world out there waiting to be discovered. We want to live our lives more deliberately, so we made the choice to severely pare down our lifestyle, living more frugally in order to make this dream a reality.
Our hope is that this will be somewhat of a spiritual pilgrimage. Because the only true journey is to the center of yourself. Independent slow travel grants you the freedom of deep pockets of time in which to think, ruminate, learn, grow and simply "be".