April 2, 2010

Tentative Departure Date

Thanks to Aron's diligence in scouring the internet for the best deal on a flight to Hong Kong, we're planning to leave Monday, August 16 (one way ticket for $650 each!!)

Four months out. Life has drastically changed with Mavis having moved in last weekend, but even still "the trip" is stubbornly remaining just conceptual. I'm actively reminding myself that in six months we'll be somewhere in Asia, exploring.... I've noticed that the times in my life when I've prepared for something epic (our wedding, an important exam) there suddenly came a day when the excitement became visceral - I had the old "butterflies in the stomach" feeling just thinking about whatever it was. Depending on how large-scale the event, this could be a day in advance, or several weeks. I wonder when this feeling will kick in for our great adventure?

Our great adventure (this term was coined by a piano acquaintance of mine).... I vacillate between being so sure, then wondering if we're completely nuts! I mean, what the hell? We're walking away from things that we worked so hard for! We have a great life - a wonderful home, good jobs, hobbies, lots of toys.

Striking out to see the world seems so out of character - especially for me! Yet maybe that's part of what's compelling us to do this. "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin).

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