March 17, 2010

Oversharing & Blogging

I'm waging an inner battle against the idea of keeping a blog... I don't want to be that person boring others with inane observations about life, and I certainly don't want to fall into the modern-day trap of "oversharing" (overshare became Webster's Word of the year for 2008 and refers to divulging excess personal information, as in a blog or broadcast interview, prompting reactions ranging from alarmed discomfort to approval). I guess at the other end of the spectrum is the dry, clinical recitation of the days events, with no spicy details or funny anecdotes. It will be a balance between the two, since we've decided that blogging will be the most effective way to keep in touch. Those who are interested to find out about our latest adventures can check in at their leisure. There is no pressure and no one is getting barraged with Twitters on their Facebook page: "Aron ate a plate of fried ants - ew!"

The other reason I anguish over blogging is my incessant use of the backspace key. I worry that I'll never get anything done! I'm just going to have to get over it and hit ENTER without over-analyzing my grammar and punctuation, and take a chance and write that crazy idea or story...... It's not as if my writing will be red-lined & handed back to me with a great big fat F on it! This is no place for perfectionism - this is our travel blog and so it should be synonymous with freedom & spontaneity!

I want my posts to be interesting, provocative, informative, illuminating and sometimes funny - even crazy. I want people to read them & feel like we're all together, visiting & chatting.

Right now I'm thinking that this isn't a long enough post. But there are no rules. And so I'm signing off now.

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