January 20, 2011

Temples and Spirit Houses in Chiang Mai

the Spirit House at Sea Khao Seafood restaurant
Sitting in our favorite restaurant in Phuket, I noticed what looked to be a little doll house.  But Aron had been doing his homework; diligently reading our guidebook!  The doll house was in fact a "Spirit House", found in a prominent place at many businesses, hotels and homes.  Animism, or spirit worship, co-exists alongside Buddhism in Thailand.  Animists believe that spirits, both good and evil, are whimsical and mischievous.  They require attention and respect and if they are ignored, there can be dire consequences.  For example, there are important rituals involved with a new construction site; the spirits of the land need to be consulted and worshiped.    
A Spirit House acknowledges these celestial beings and is intended to be an appealing earthly abode for them.  Varying in construction from a simple shelter to an elaborate palace, they can be made of any material: wood, brick, concrete.  We have seen some very lavish spirit houses in Chiang Mai, including a huge one at a gas station.  A Spirit House sometimes has figurines of people and animals set up like a diorama.  Devotees place offerings of flowers, rice, chicken or bananas at the Spirit House and incense is burned every day.

Recently, we spent a morning exploring some of Chiang Mai's many Buddhist temples, known as "Wats".  Below is a slide show of the experience.  We did not hire a guide, preferring to wander at our leisure, and so many things we saw are a mystery even to us.  Still, we wanted to share with you the beautiful and intriguing sights.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi such artistry and presence of shrines and deities in abundance, a strange and beautiful land. Might the five bird have homing instincts for food and re release. Love Dad
