December 25, 2010

Selamat Hari Krismas!!

Otherwise known as Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad, Buon Natale......!
in our hotel lobby

Here is a short photo essay of our "Christmas Dinner".  We splurged ($30 total) on a feast consisting of a couple drinks and some delicious Nyonya dishes.  Nyonya cuisine is the food of the Baba-Nyonya people who live in Malaysia and Singapore. The Baba-Nyonya are also called "Straits Chinese" and they are the descendants of the very early Chinese immigrants to the "south sea" region.  
Beef Rendang

Nasi Kerabu (coconut rice cooked with a couple blue pea flowers)
Fiddlehead ferns stir fried with garlic
Fish cooked in a tamarind sauce with okra and eggplant
As you can see, the food was brilliant.  Probably much, much better than an overpriced turkey dinner at a stodgy hotel restaurant.  And we figured why bother to try to replicate what we could only get at home?

Thinking of you all and wish we could be there!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Aron and Sue

or.... "Selamat Hari Krismas dan Tahun Baru 2011"


  1. Hi your meal was amazing, and a tree, and snow flake tattoo, all is different but really the same. We have a Chinook, not quite tropical but perhaps global warming? Love Dad

  2. Merry Christmas!! Deck the hars with borws of horrie, fa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra.. Sorry, couldn't help myself - that restaurant reminds me of "Christmas Story" movie :) Anyways,hope you guys are having a wonderful Christmas. We all are having a great time here and wishing you were with us today. Lots of love - super jealous of the henna tattoo!! Diane
