December 8, 2010


Now we were headed to the pizza capital of Italy - Napoli - a convenient base to explore Pompeii.   The 1/2 hour ride from Napoli to Pompeii was on a train so heavy covered in graffiti that we couldn't get a clear view out the window.  Three men in their 30s with a drum, guitar and accordian serenaded everyone for tips until the captain unceremoniously kicked them off the train.  The day was cloudy with intermittent drizzle, and so other than the faintest shadow of an outline, we weren't able to see Mount Vesuvius.  Pompeii was incredible; much more sprawling than either of us expected.  What can I really say about Pompeii, though?  The story of this ancient Roman city's demise is taught in elementary school.  A few things that we found personally notable:

1. Scientists continue to excavate the site and have enough information to faithfully recreate elements of the city, such as gardens and a vineyard.
2. Casts of tree roots were made to establish the types of trees and their locations.
3.  Pompeii's recreated vineyard produces wine that can be bought today.
4.  There are portions of painted walls in an amazing state of preservation. 
5.  Seeing the casts of the bodies of people who were buried alive was poignant and eerie. 

Now, without further ado, here is a slide show of Pompeii.


  1. Hi what vivid images of Roman life in 70AD,pic 14 stone street worn chariot tire tracks, raised sidewalks with stepping stones to cross when filled with storm drainage, all very effective even today; walls typical flat red brick structure with faced stone finish. If you look carefully you can even see the drinking water lead pipes embedded in stone - it's no wonder Nero went mad. History we love it. Love Dad

  2. Well worth the trip, hey? Totally cool! I was only able to make it to Herculaneum, so it's cool to see the other side of the mountain.
