August 18, 2010

We're Here

A 13 hour plane ride is a grueling experience.  There were about 350 people on the plane, including a fair amount of children, who were remarkably well-behaved.  This was a night flight, so the cabin lights were dimmed for the majority of the time. I slept a bit; Aron couldn't.  Breakfast (a choice between ham & eggs or congee) was at 5 am but by the time the crew was serving us in economy class, the captain was starting the descent so we had to wolf down our food quickly so they could clean up.  I tried the congee; a traditional Chinese breakfast rice porridge.  The texture reminded me of cream of wheat.  It's a savoury dish with bits of green onion, mushrooms, ginger & meat. I would definitely have this again, which is saying alot, given that this is Air Canada's version.

When we entered Hong Kong's terminal, we could feel the humidity already, and then we stepped outside.  It felt as though we had just been enveloped in a heavy, damp, hot blanket.  One can find respite in various stores or higher end restaurants.  Now I see why the malls are so popular!  Inside one of these malls we wandered into a busy cafeteria and I ordered wonton soup.  Aron settled on the roasted duck with rice.  The food was cheap and delicious.  We're finding a surprising amount of English, along with helpful people.  One lady saw us fumbling with our maps & stopped to ask where we were going. 

Right now it's 3:30 in the morning.  When we arrived, we were running on adrenaline & couldn't sleep.  We found our accommodations & went back out to grab a quick bite & explore a little.  Just after lunch we hit the wall & decided a nap would be in order.  We slept until 2 am!  Now we're going to spend a few hours getting settled and we can plan the next two days and this time, we'll remember to bring the camera!

(By the way, if anyone needs clothing, fly out to Hong Kong.  So far, we have been propositioned about 15 times to have clothing made.  For the low price of about 500 HKD/ $75 CDN they will make you a custom business suit!)


  1. Good to hear that the flight overseas was half-way decent - I guess it helps that the children weren't out of control! Have fun with that humidity; Sue, your hair will be as curly as Aron's in no time!

  2. Hi Sue and Aron! I'm glad to see things have started off great. Can't wait to keep reading about your adventures!
    Your cousin, Chantal
