July 25, 2010

Call me Zoe

Being on the cusp extended travel, we're closing a significant chapter of our lives and starting a new one. Our lifestyle will change drastically: one day we're professionals, the next, nomads. As we let go of our usual routine, we're strategically poised to make an inner transformation too. Which is why I started thinking that perhaps I could go by a different name while abroad. Out of the blue, I broached the idea to Aron:

me: I was thinking, when we're on the road, I'll introduce myself as "Zoe".
him: what?!?!? (completely flummoxed)
me: why not? (laughing)
him: why?!?! (still puzzled)
me: oh, c'mon! (cajoling)
him: sue..... (a little perplexed)
me: no, call me Zoe (teasing)
him: why Zoe?

Ultimately, I dropped it. It's not that I don't like being called Suzanne or any of the many nicknames I've sported over the years - Sue, Suzie, Suz, Suzy-Q. But... I'm kind of excited at the chance of playing a different part for a while and what better way to acknowledge this than with a new name!

Another idea is I could bring along a small "mascot" as a visual cue (kind of like when you want to get fit, you leave your sneakers by the front door). I'm not sure yet what this object will be, but it will have to be small - maybe some sort of key chain or tiny stuffed animal? I'm keeping my eyes open for something to jump out at me. I want to take this unique opportunity to make some changes, for instance, I could try to be a little more relaxed, spontaneous, outgoing & bold and see where it takes me! I know that personally, I need something tangible to be a daily reminder of this new pledge.

Or..... I could really mess with Aron's head by insisting that he call me Erin!

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