May 8, 2010

Spring Thaw

Tulips cloaked in crayola yellows & reds, chirping robins foraging to build their nests, longer days with the sun setting at 9 pm... spring has arrived in Calgary at last! Lest I romanticize things, however, I should admit that last week we endured another snow fall in what was (hopefully) our last cold snap.

With the thaw comes a sense of renewal, optimism and the strong desire to meet friends for beers on a patio. For me, there is also the urge to garden. To putter, plant & pause. I love playing in the dirt; weeding is not a chore for me. But just when our yard will be at its height, I'll relinquish the reins to my mother-in-law, Mavis, in order to travel the world. We're trading our prairie garden for unfamiliar vistas & landscapes in less than 3 months. We'll discover a whole new world of flora and fauna. Aron is planning to swim with the whale sharks in the Philippines & I just can't wait to see some monkeys in the wild!

There are times that we feel like a hyper-active ten-year old in detention on a beautiful summer day. Like this past Tuesday: I'm sure I looked at the clock every ten minutes, willing the time to speed up. Yet not every day is sheer tedium & we believe this "preparation time" is an integral part of what we're about to embark on: we're working toward our future freedom. This is what will make our travels more rewarding than those of the trust-fund kids: we've earned it.

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